Portrait photo of David David, a VAST photographer creating extremely high resolution photographs

David David

The Great Outdoors

David David is a Landscape, Wildlife, and Adventure Photographer, Speaker, Educator, and Founder.

His founding of the non-profit Outdoors for Everyone Project and becoming a leading expert in the photographic discipline of Ultra-Resolution Imagery are closely intertwined.

It was 2010 and David had no interest in, and knew very little about photography. He could “point and shoot” and that was about it. Two events changed all that.

First, he found himself in Yellowstone National Park with his oldest son and a Park Ranger. At one point, in what would prove to be an adventure of a lifetime, they watched as a spectacular event unfolded before their eyes. Afterward, the Ranger turned to David and his son and exclaimed, “I’ve been doing this for 35 years and I’ve never seen anything like that before!” They both realized then that they had witnessed something truly special. But unfortunately, David found himself without any means to capture the event for posterity. He vowed to never let that happen again.

Second, as he began both traveling more and becoming more proficient in capturing images, he would share them with family, friends, and others upon returning home from various excursions. As his photography improved, everyone seemed to enjoy not only the photos he returned with, but also the stories that accompanied them. One day, as he shared stories and photos with a particular group of individuals, it dawned on him that those individuals would never have the opportunity, in person, to witness what he had photographed. And as much as they were enjoying the photos, he also thought that there had to be a better way to share the photos than just on his cell phone. This began his journey toward, and eventual expertise in, Ultra-Resolution Imagery.

This also led to his founding of the non-profit Outdoors for Everyone Project. Its mission; "Delivering Mental Health And Quality Of Life Solutions Through Therapeutic Immersive Imagery." In a nutshell, the Outdoors for Everyone Project brings the inspirational, educational, and therapeutic health benefits of the outdoors to those that lack the ability or opportunity to get out and experience it for themselves. Ultra-Resolution Imagery plays an integral role.

Today, David's massive, detailed imagery can be found in homes, businesses, and other installations throughout the U.S.

His photography has taken him from the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the peaks of the Rockies, from the cold of Yellowstone to the heat of Africa, and everywhere in-between. David is a highly experienced adventurer with a treasure trove of knowledge and stories of the outdoors. Because of this, he speaks regularly to various groups on a myriad of photography topics, the National Parks, and adventuring.

Due to his unique skill-set David has been asked to participate in several Artist-in-Residence programs.

He’s a member of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers.

His passion is bringing seldom seen Imagery, in glorious size and detail, to the general public and to those lacking the ability to experience it in person.

Purchasing a VAST Ultra-Resolution Image helps support David as he supports the non-profit Outdoors for Everyone Project. (

VAST photographer David David of the VAST artist collective